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family support


At Teesside Vineyard we offer support in lots of different ways to families who live in the Teesside area.


We are passionate about helping families in our local community to access health and wellbeing services. Our outreach work is community wide and accessible to all with a focus on providing support to those most vulnerable and marginalised in our community including asylum seekers and refugees. Open to all, we aim to support those experiencing poverty, nurture relationships, and tackle social and cultural isolation.

If you have a specific need get in touch with our community team.

Our Services

Grow Baby

Grow Baby started in November 2020 out of a desire to meet a growing need amongst families in the Teesside area for support with children’s clothes and equipment.  We provide families in Teesside with free good quality new & second-hand clothes (for children 0-5yrs). Find out more via our Grow Baby tab.


The Vine Café

The Vine Café is a free local community café open weekly at Teesside Vineyard.  During this time we provide people with access to a number of additional free services

  1.  Our in house Fuel Debt Advisor is available to help people ensure they receive the best advice about their fuel bills.

  2. In partnership with The British Red Cross we offer classes in First Aid, dealing with loneliness and isolation, and recovering from trauma.

  3. In partnership with Maternity Voice Partnership (MVP) at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust we support women who have questions about maternity services.


Volunteering & Work Experience

We offer a number of volunteer training opportunities in our community team. These include working in our Grow Baby Shop and Community Café. We support refugees and asylum seekers as well as those seeking employment.


Little Seedlings

Little Seedlings provides a space for 0 – 5 year olds to come and play and socialise with other children their age


Tiny Vines

Tiny Vines is a sensory group and is for 0 – 12 months old and their parents. 



How can I access support?

Come and join us at one of our sessions or at our Free Shop on Wednesdays 09:00 – 12:00 at Teesside Vineyard Church.  We have free refreshments and a stay and play session whilst you meet with our team.


We understand that not everyone can travel to us and families can contact us directly to request support.


We are also able to receive referrals from local charities, health and social care professionals, and other agencies.  To make a referral please contact us with the items required.


Our Family Support would not exist without the help of our wonderful volunteers.  If you would be interested in volunteering some of your time to help sort out donations, make up packages, or to help welcome families and make refreshments during our Free Shop, please contact us.  We would love to hear from you.

Teesside Vineyard Church

Saint Luke's Church


Stockton on Tees

TS17 7HB






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